KG Kalıp
- Aluminiums: Alumold 500. Hardnessed on surface and eloxal plated.
- Cutting Blades: BOHLER 2379 .Hardness 60 to 62 HRC
- CNC used for mold and mold tools and precise work under guaranty
- Mold heat controling by PLC and thermocuples used for measuring mold temperature.
- Special pins used for inserts allowing user to change quickly the inserts for another product from same mold.
- Hoist above the machine helps quickly change of mold, wherea weight of 1ton is possible to lift.
- Digital meter to be used for upper cutting and to be controlled by PLC
- Steel parts used to be BOHLER 2379
- since stacker moves towards to the mold, ejectors dont have to go out from mold more than 20mm.
This way there is also (mostly)no need to use vacuum in ejector head.

CMK Kalıp
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